Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Health Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water Daily

Do you know that coconut water is far superior to sports drinks when it comes to replenishing the lost electrolytes, whether in sickness or after a strenuous activity Or that drinking coconut water daily can actually improve the health of your skin and improve your skin tone.Here are the  health benefits of drinking coconut water daily!

It can reverse dehydration. 

The problem with dehydration is two-fold. One, it slows down your bodily functions drastically, including the function of your cardiovascular system. And two, it negatively impacts the electrolytic balance of your body. That's why drinking coconut water instead of regular water is a better idea during dehydration because it replenishes you with water as well as the lost electrolytes. No wonder athletes and gym-goers prefer this as a post-workout drink these days!

It is good for your digestive tract. 

Coconut water has very little calories in it but is rich in essential minerals and soluble fibres, all of which are known to improve the health of your gut and strengthen your digestive tract. 

It can relieve muscle cramps. 

There are a lot of reasons why we get muscle cramps. And one of them is low potassium level in our blood. And since coconut water is rich in potassium, drinking it can help relieve your muscle cramps and pain.

It can protect your heart.

From heart attacks to hypertension, numerous studies have shown that drinking coconut water daily can protect your heart from diseases and other problems.

It can prevent kidney stones. 

Kidney stones primarily develop in those who drink too little water, or who have too much protein without enough water to flush out the toxins built up because of it. And since coconut water has been proven by science to be better than water for your body (you read that right!), drinking at least one glass of it daily can drastically improve the toxin-eliminating function of your kidneys and prevent harmful uric acid crystals from accumulating in its tubules.

It can boost your metabolism. 

The weight-loss benefits of drinking coconut water every day is because of its high electrolyte content, especially manganese, which is known to boost your metabolism and increase the amount of fat burned in your body throughout the day.

It is anti-diabetic.

The water from one tender coconut contains around 5 g of natural sugars in it, but instead of spiking your blood sugar, these have the opposite effect of reducing your blood sugar. That's why drinking coconut water is very beneficial for those suffering from diabetes. Just remember not to overdo it, since that can lead to a hypoglycemic episode

It can reduce your blood pressure. 

If you are a hypertensive, you can rejoice now because coconut water has been proven to have a positive effect on your blood pressure.

It can replace electrolytes during diarrhea. 

People suffering from diarrhea are mandatorily given ORS (oral-rehydrating solution) to prevent shock and death. And coconut water can replace the need for this synthetic solution, since it contains all the electrolytes that you need to keep your system up and running and prevent it from breaking down.

It is a great detox drink! 

From flushing out the toxins in your liver to those in your kidneys, coconut water is truly a miracle drink when it comes to detoxifying your body off the free radicals and waste products.

It can boost your energy instantly.

Remember how we said in the beginning of this article that coconut water has been scientifically proven to be better than a sports drink? That's exactly what we mean when we say that it is an instant energy booster!

It can boost your immunity.

Drinking coconut water regularly can boost your immunity because of the vitamin C contained within it, which is a vitamin vital for the health of your immune cells. Plus, coconut water has abundant antioxidants within it that also help maintain your overall health by preventing organ damage by free radicals.

It can help you sleep better at night

Coconut water contains GABA, a neurotransmitter, in it that has the ability to relax our muscles and reduce anxiety. So, if you suffer from insomnia, have a glass of this drink after dinner to help you sleep better.

It can fight depression

Coconut water contains a high amount of magnesium in it (almost 60 mg), which is known for its depression-fighting abilities. So having this drink every day can definitely lift your mood and prevent an onset of depression.

It can reduce the signs of ageing. 

From wrinkles to liver spots, having coconut water every day can help you get rid of the signs of ageing. This is because coconut water contains a high amount of antioxidants in it that are capable of scavenging free radicals from your body and making your skin soft and supple.

It can relieve high fever.

It's true. Coconut water's cooling effect on the body is effective even when the individual is suffering from high fever.