Our neck is very flexible, but also prone to strain and stress. It keeps our head held high, literally, and is supported by a stack of seven vertebrae. The fibrous cartilage between these bones is what acts as a shock absorber. There are a lot of nerves which pass through the neck.
Olive oil is a Mediterranean wonder for us humans. It is known to be the healthiest oil for our body. As well as it works wonderfully inside our bodies, its application on the areas of pain is known to relieve it. Freshly pressed extra-virgin oil is known to contain anti-inflammatory agents that are found in drugs like aspirin. It works by inhibiting the production of pain-causing chemicals in our body.
Salt, especially Epsom salts, are natural pain relievers. The magnesium sulphate present in them helps the body recover from pain. Magnesium absorbs into the skin and reduces the brain's ability to detect pain. Sulphate flushes out the toxins and forms protein to encourage muscle recovery. The combination of these two amazing ingredients is an age-old remedy for relieving neck pain. Here is how you can use these ingredients to get relief from your neck pain
Ingredients: - 5 tablespoons of salt (preferably, Epsom salt) - 10 tablespoons of olive oil - A clean glass jar Method: Take the ingredients in a glass jar and mix them well. Close the lid air tight and store it in a cool dry place for a few hours. After a few hours, it will turn lighter in colour. Use this mixture to massage your neck gently for 2-3 minutes. This increases the blood circulation and decreases pain. Also, the massage will help relieve the muscle tension. Wipe the area after the massage with a clean cloth and repeat this remedy every day for best results.