Monday, 5 June 2017

Gujarat Cancer - Research Institute jobs for Asst.Professor/Jr. Lecture in Ahmedabad. Last Date to apply: 12 Jun 2017

Asst.Professor/Jr. Lecture
Asst.Professor/Jr. Lecture  Jobs opportunity in Gujarat Cancer - Research Institute
4. Asst.Professor of Medical Oncology / 5 Posts (1 – ST, 4 – General ) 

Qualification: D.M. (Medical Oncology) / DNB (Medical Oncology). EXPERIENCE: As per prevailing rules of MCI. 

AGE: Not more than 35 years

Pay Scale :As per Institute’s Rules. 

5. Asst.Professor of Surgical Oncology /(2-Posts) 

Qualification: M.Ch. (Surgical Oncology) EXPERIENCE: As per prevailing rules of MCI. 

Age: Not more than 35 years
Pay Scale : As per the rules of the Institute.

6. Asst.Professor Gynaec Oncology/3 Posts (
2-ST, 1-SC)

Qualification: M.Ch. (Gynaec Oncology), M.S. / M.D.(Obst. & Gynaec) EXPERIENCE: As per prevailing rules of MCI. 

Age: Not more than 35 years

7. Sr.Resident -  (Gynaec Oncology)
/ (2-Gen) 

Qualification: M. D. / M.S./D.N.B in Gynaecology / M.Ch. in Gynaec Oncology. 

EXPERIENCE: 3 years Experience in Gynaec Oncology. 
Age: Not more than 35 years

STIPEND: Rs.46,000/- P.M. 

8. Sr.Resident - Medical Oncology/ (2-Gen) 

Qualification: M. D. / M.S./ D.N.B / D.M in Medical Oncology. EXPERIENCE: Post Graduate Degree or 3 years as JUNIOR Resident in Superspeciality. AGE: Not more than 35 years, can be relaxed for deserving case. 

STIPEND: Rs.46,000

9. Sr.Resident - PALLIATIVE MEDICINE/ (1-Gen) 

Qualification: M.D. in Palliative Medicine or M.D. / M.S. Or 3 years experience as Junior Resident in one of the following subjects; in MCI recognised Medical College: Anesthesiology, General Surgery, General Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Radiotherapy. 

AGE: Not more than 35 years

STIPEND: Rs.46,000

10. Sr.Resident - SURGICAL ONCOLOGY/2 Posts

Qualification: D.N.B / M.Ch in Surgical Oncology. EXPERIENCE: Post Graduate Degree or 3 years as Jr. Resident in Superspeciality. 

AGE: Not more than 35 years

Stipend: Rs.46,000


1. Jr.Lecturer IN MEDICAL ONCOLOGY/2 Posts (1 Gen)

Qualification: D.M.(Medical Oncology)/M.D.(Medicine) / DNB (Medical Oncology). EXPERIENCE: Requisite recognized specialization qualification in the subject. 

Age: Not more than 35 years
Pay Scale :: As per the rules of the Institute. 

2. Jr.Lecturer IN RADIOLOGY

Qualification:  M.D. (Radio-Diagnosis) / M.D.(Radiology) / M.S. (Radiology). EXPERIENCE: As per prevailing rules of MCI. 

Age: Not more than 35 years, can be relaxed for deserving case. 
Pay Scale : As per the rules of the Institute. 

3. Jr.Lecturer IN RADIOLOGY (M.R.I.)/1 Gen

Qualification: M.D. (Radio-Diagnosis) / M.D.(Radiology) / M.S. (Radiology). EXPERIENCE: As per prevailing rules of MCI. AGE: Not more than 35 years, can be relaxed for deserving case.
Pay Scale : As per the rules of the Institute.

4. Jr.Lecturer IN PATHOLOGY/
1 Gen

Qualification: M.D. (Pathology). EXPERIENCE: As per prevailing rules of MCI. 

AGE: Not more than 35-years, can be relaxed for deserving case. 
Pay Scale : As per the rules of the Institute. 

5. Jr.Lecturer In Radiotherapy/ 3-Posts 

Qualification: M.D. (Radiotherapy) / M.S. (Radiotherapy). EXPERIENCE: 1. Requisite recognised Post Graduate qualification in the subject. Desirable: 2. Three years teaching experience in Radiotherapy in the subject in a recognised Medical College as Resident / Register / Demonstrator / Tutor 

Age:  Not more than 35-years, can be relaxed for deserving case. 
Pay Scale :As per the rules of the Institute. 

6. Jr.Lecturer in Nuclear Medicine /1-Post

Qualification:  M.D. (Nuclear Medicine) / DNM OR DNB in Nuclear Medicine. EXPERIENCE: As per prevailing rules of MCI. AGE: Not more than 35 years, can be relaxed for deserving case. CATEGORY: 1-GENERAL PAY SCALE: As per the rules of the Institute. 

13. Full Time Gastroenterologist (Super Speciality)/1 Post

Qualification: D.M. / DNB in Gastroenterology. AGE: Not more than 40 years, can be relaxed for deserving case. EXPERIENCE: Candidate should have minimum 2-3 years experience in a leading hospital in the Concerned branch. FIX PAY: As per the rules of the Institute. 

14.  Full Time Plastic Surgeon (Super Speciality)/1 Post 

Qualification: Superspeciality degree of M.Ch in Plastic Surgery. EXPERIENCE: Candidate should have minimum 2-3 years experience in a leading hospital in the concerned branch. 

Fix Pay: As per the rules of the Institute. 
Age: Not more than 40 years
15.  Full Time Urologist (Super Speciality/1 Post

Qualification: Superspeciality degree of M.Ch in Urology. AGE: Not more than 40 years, can be relaxed for deserving case. EXPERIENCE: Candidate should have minimum 2-3 years experience in a leading hospital in the concerned branch. 

Salary: As per the rules of the Institute
Hiring Process : Face to Face Interview
Job Role : Teacher / Trainer

How to apply

Interested candidates may apply upto 12 -06 -2017, Monday during office hours, in the application form which can be downloaded from our website. Photocopies of all educational qualifications, experience certificates & attempt certificates duly self attested along with one recent color passport size photograph to be submitted by the post/ courier/ in person to The Incharge Director, The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Civil Hospital Campus, Asarwa, Ahmedabad – 380016.
Click Here for job Details & Application Form

About Gujarat Cancer - Research Institute

Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute (GCRI) established in 1972, is an autonomous body jointly managed by Government of Gujarat and Gujarat Cancer Society (GCS). GCRI is also recognized as a major Regional Cancer Center by Government of India. Year 2009-2010 was a year of many clinical, research and community directed activities projecting the excellent team work of the staff. It is the year of introduction of Sanjivani Rath - modern mobile diagnostic services for rural Gujarat, introduction of Health Passports for awareness and prevention of cancer and major non communicable diseases, and also it is the year of establishing telemedicine ties with various district hospitals of our state.