Clinical Significance
Antibody devoloped against hepatitis envelope antigen(HbeAg).Anti -HBe is the sceond antibody to appear and is associated with the rapid clearence of HBeAg.
Later,anti -HBe declines and persist for only a few months or years if there is no active viral replication.If HBe-Ag is considered a specific marker of infectivity,the presence of anti-HbeAg antibody in blood is recognized to be a clinical sign of recovery from infection to convalescence .
Clinical Application
Antibody devoloped against hepatitis envelope antigen(HbeAg).Anti -HBe is the sceond antibody to appear and is associated with the rapid clearence of HBeAg.
Later,anti -HBe declines and persist for only a few months or years if there is no active viral replication.If HBe-Ag is considered a specific marker of infectivity,the presence of anti-HbeAg antibody in blood is recognized to be a clinical sign of recovery from infection to convalescence .
Clinical Application
- Development of anti-Hbe represents minimum viral replication.
- Indicates decrease infectivity,suggesting good prognosis and resolution of acute infection
- In serologic window period, association of Anti-Hbe with Anti HBc confirms recent acute infection (2-16 weeks )